Monday, May 8, 2017

F**k It

In honor of International Women's Day a t-shirt company called FCKH8 did a promotion in which a series of young girls curse and say "Fuck it." They start off saying "pretty" and then they go on a tirade saying they aren't some pretty fucking helpless damsel in distress. They go on to address pay inequality, sexual assault, and other issues. This organization helps by donating proceeds to help fight inequality. Even better in the end there is a boy in a dress pointing out when it is said it is bad to act like a girl then you are just saying it is bad to be a girl. This video caught my attention because it is soo strange to see little girls in dresses cursing. I honestly loved it because it had my attention, and it was a great cause. However, not a lot of people felt the same way as you can tell from the comments under the video. An example is "Those who actually think that having young children dropping the F bomb is a good way of getting a point across or to share facts, you are absolutely delusional. This is ridiculous. A foul mouth gets you nowhere and doesn't make you a strong confident female." So basically people were offended by cursing, but that's not the point. Cursing is seen as unladylike which is why these girls were doing it. It was too show a contrast. I have a potty mouth, and I curse a good amount of the time. The amount of times I have had people say to me that is not ladylike and it makes me ugly is unfathomable. It is just crazy because curses are just words that we have put a negative connotation on.

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